Sunday, November 20, 2005

I have been playing a lot of poker to support my living the past 2 months. I am by no means a high roller, but I have been fortunate enough to make some money and live comfortably as a college student that hasn't been able to work my normal job because of this hurricane business that's happened this fall. In the past three weeks, I have played in four live tournaments and won 2 of them, and not at a better time. I have had some bad luck in online tournaments lately, but the cash games have been good to me. I have realized that I am a part of the "Poker BOOM bandwagon." Everybody wants to make a buck, especially in these tight times for me and everyone else. For the most part, I enjoy the game because it is a game, much like chess, so when I lose its not a big deal. Always the Optimist, Trae.